Psoriasis Free For Life

Friday, July 2, 2010

Psoriasis Defined: The True Definition Of Psoriasis

The definition of Psoriasis is that psoriasis is a persistent and non-contagious skin disease. Causes of psoriasis have not yet been identified. People with psoriasis may not develop any visible symptoms on their skin while some others' skin will be flaky and turn red. This red flaking skin is called psoriatic plaque. The area where the skin is inflamed and where there is extreme skin production is actually psoriatic plaque. Skin usually gathers in these patches and becomes silver in color. Plaques are mostly found on the knees and elbows, but they may affect any body part like the genitals, soles, palms, scalp and joints.

Psoriasis is a long lasting and recurrent condition of the skin. The extent of the disease may vary from the person to person. Psoriasis affects the nails causing psoriatic nail dystrophy. The joints of the body may also be experience swelling due to Psoriasis causing psoriatic arthritis. Of all the people suffering from psoriasis, 10 to 15 percent of them have psoriatic arthritis.

People with a dry skin are more susceptible to Psoriasis than those with an oily or suitably moisturized skin. Psoriasis can appear on a scratchy skin post and on areas of the skin with cuts and scratches. This incidence is called the Koebner phenomenon. Sometimes the skin lacks the oil that defends the skin from any diseases which results in dry skin. Consequently, persons who have dry skins are at risk of having psoriasis as the psoriasis-causing microorganism can easily grow on dry skin conditions.

Athlete's foot and Psoriasis are two different things. The main difference is that psoriasis is acquired from dry skin conditions whereas athlete's food is caused by wet skin conditions. Unlike eczema it is generally found on the outer surface of the joints. In Psoriasis the infectious microbe causes swelling, rashes and scratchy skin. This causes the skin to dry even further as the microbe takes in the moisture of the skin leaving it drier than before.

If you wish to prevent psoriasis you should avoid the usage of shower scrubs. The use of shower scrubs causes the loss of natural skin oils and leaves scratches on the skin. You can use talcum powder after a bath. The extra moisture on the skin can be soaked up by talc avoiding fungal infection. The skin needs moisturizers to keep the skins oil glands functioning, keeping the body free from infection.

Although we are very clear about the definition of psoriasis, its causes are not yet clear. It may be genetic or be the result of a previous injury. Psoriasis can be worsened by smoking, alcohol consumption, stress and withdrawal of systemic corticosteroid. Psoriasis already has medicine readily available but it is extremely difficult to completely get rid of because of its persistence.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Is There A Link Between Smoking And Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin malady wherein red scaly spots appear on the body and cause itching. Psoriasis causes red spots due to psoriatic plaques. Psoriatic plaques may cause inflammation and extreme skin turnover. These plaques are generally found on the elbows, scalp, feet, knees, genital and palms. Research has shown that there may be a link between smoking and psoriasis and that smoking may be a trigger.

Psoriasis is an incurable skin disease and its magnitude may differ from one person to another. Some people may show just a few symptoms localized on a particular body part, whereas some people may have it spread all over the body. Psoriasis may also cause swelling of the joints thereby causing "Psoriatic Arthritis". No exact reason has still been found for psoriasis. It could be genetic or hereditary.

Psoriasis patients should not smoke as it tends to aggravate the condition. If you are already a smoker, try to discontinue this habit as it would only worsen the psoriasis even further. It has been observed that on discontinuing smoking the psoriasis lesions tend to disappear gradually.

Along with smoking, alcohol consumption also needs to be checked as alcohol and psoriasis don't go together. Even having a small quantity of alcohol can cause immense damage and intensify the psoriasis.

Research shows that the pustular psoriasis on the feet and palms is affected by smoking to a great degree. Quitting smoking completely immediately shows results by the diminishing of the red psoriasis patches. If you wish to control the flare-ups of psoriasis and relieve yourself from agony and pain you have no choice but to get rid off your smoking and alcohol consumption.

Psoriasis patients experience haphazard symptoms. Some days can be quite tolerable while some may be completely agonizing. There is no definite cure for this severe skin disease. Scientific advancements have brought about many latest cures for relieving psoriasis. You can now not only manage psoriasis effectively but also control its spread to a very large degree.

Psoriasis does not have a single cure that would suit all patients. Dermatologists would take into account your sex, age, lifestyle, health condition and the extent psoriasis has spread to be able to give a proper diagnosis. The correct diagnosis would help the doctor in prescribing the treatment that would give the best results possible.

Psoriasis is greatly affected by the state of your mind. Any stress can trigger of a flare-up of your psoriasis. Hence, having a positive attitude in life is the key to have a healthy body. Keep all negative elements away from your mind. If you want to cure psoriasis do not ignore the link between smoking and psoriasis. Quit smoking and keep psoriasis under control significantly. Be positive and stay healthy.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Major Differences Between Psoriasis And Eczema

Skin diseases are very problematic and discomforting. Eczema and psoriasis are two of the very common skin diseases. Generally people can confuse eczema and psoriasis as they are unable to differentiate between both the skin conditions. To get the correct medication the correct diagnosis is required. Consult a qualified dermatologist to firstly identify the skin problem and then take medication accordingly. You should have adequate knowledge about the difference between eczema and psoriasis to avoid taking incorrect mediation and worsening your condition.

Both the terms eczema and psoriasis are derived from Greek language. Psoriasis originates from the word "psoera" which means "to itch" and Eczema means "boil out". Eczema and Psoriasis generally attack people of different age groups. Eczema is known to be more prevalent in children than in adults, whereas psoriasis is more prevalent in adults than children. Nearly 20% of the children in UK and US and 3% adults are found to be affected by eczema. Comparatively only 3% of adults in UK and US have psoriasis.

The causes of eczema and psoriasis are also very different. Eczema is known to be caused by environmental irritants like perfumes, sprays, deodorants, cosmetics etc. On the other hand psoriasis is known to be caused due to genetic factors and not environmental factors like eczema.

On the face of it both eczema and psoriasis may look very similar in appearance, but on observing closely you would be able to differentiate between eczema and psoriasis. In the case of eczema the patient has dry red skin in the form of blisters that itch tremendously. In the case of psoriasis the patient has raised red skin which is very rough and itches too.

Unfortunately both eczema and psoriasis do not have any final cure. However, proper treatments can help relieve the patient to a large degree. Generally eczema symptoms are less severe but psoriasis symptoms can be very grave in nature and spread all over the body.

Certain food items also cause flare-ups of eczema. A careful study of which foods cause eczema flare-ups can help keep the eczema under control. With psoriasis there are no such clear indications on diets that may cause flare-ups. However, doctors advise to lower the intake of sweets and fatty foods to keep psoriasis under control.

It is not surprising that there is confusion between what the difference between psoriasis and eczema is, given the surface similarities of the two. To avoid taking wrong medication and precautions, carefully get your symptoms diagnosed by a certified dermatologist. Let them study your family history, lifestyle and symptoms in detail and diagnose the disease correctly. Only after a correct diagnosis is done should you choose the medication you want to adopt.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Is The Best Diet For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease affecting millions all over the world. It is a lifelong and painful disease. America alone has thousands of people having psoriasis. Lack of proper information about the disease and proper medical care has led to its wide spread all over the world. Psoriasis is known to have no cure. However, along with medicines, an exclusive psoriasis diet also goes a long way in helping patients fight this challenging disease.

Our human body's constitution is such that it has its own immune system to fight off any infections and cure itself naturally without any external help. However, when any person gets a medical condition that is life long, it is a clear indicator about the body's failing immunity and that it is now not in a position to cure itself. In such cases the body needs help from external factors like medical treatments in order to restore itself and fight off any foreign bodies from attacking it.

Our lifestyle can be a major cause for the failing immunity of our body. Environmental pollution, fast food diet, inconsistent sleeping patterns, improper lifestyle are all factors that can cause our immunity to break down. Detoxification is the only answer now. Detoxification helps in flushing out the toxins from the body and purifying our system. After detoxification a proper diet management needs to be done to revive the failing immunity of the body.

Post detoxification the psoriasis diet should be followed diligently. The psoriasis diet consists of green vegetables such as broccoli, fibers and Omega 3 fatty acids. Fibers help in cleansing the colon by throwing out the toxins from the body. Fish, cod liver oil and flax seeds are rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids and should be included in the psoriasis diet.

Omega 3 not only helps in preventing psoriasis but it also helps in controlling the spread of the disease. An inclusion of these in your diet will boost the body's immunity and successfully combat any infections.

Not only should you add some items to your diet, there are certain foods that need to be avoided by people suffering from psoriasis. Foods like red meats, berries, dairy products, tomatoes, vinegar, alcohol, spicy and oily foods, soft drink and monosodium glutamate should be completely banned from your diet. These foods act as a stimulant for psoriasis and can cause serious aggravation in your medical condition.

As well as the recommended prescribed psoriasis diet, you would greatly benefit from a complete detoxification and alkalization process to attempt to cure your body from psoriasis forever. A proper psoriasis diet would help your body to remove the toxic elements and revive itself and making your healthier like before.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Home Treatments For Psoriasis That Work

You can opt for a psoriasis home treatment to cure psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin disease that has affected about 6 million people in USA itself. It causes patches of red blistering skin on the body accompanied by itching and soreness. It can be extremely uncomfortable for the sufferer with the skin feeling itchy all the time. Psoriasis may affect people of any age group but is found to be more prevalent in people in the age group of 10-45 years.

Compared to the rest of the body, psoriasis is more common on the knees, scalp and elbows. Psoriasis is not to be ignored as just a skin disease. It can further lead to very severe medical conditions like depression, diabetes and heart problems. The extent of suffering can vary from a few barely noticeable patches on the body to the whole body suffering with psoriasis. Even people in with barely a few symptoms can go on to have psoriasis spread all over the body if adequate care and precaution is not taken.

The general perception is that psoriasis is a lifelong disease and has no cure. It need not always be so. Psoriasis differs from person to person. Some people may have no flare-ups for months at a stretch whereas there may be some having a flare-up every month. The body part affected, the extent of infection, the duration it stays for etc decide the treatment to be prescribed to any patient. The treatments also differ from one person to another.

There are a few psoriasis home treatments you may adopt to help cure yourself. The first and foremost treatment is to keep your skin moist with a moisturizer at all times. A moist skin can fight off psoriasis more effectively than a dry skin. Daily application of a moisturizer will keep psoriasis at bay.

Secondly, expose your psoriasis infected skin to the sun as much as possible. The ultra-violet rays of the sun are known to be very useful for curing psoriasis. The third most important thing is "Stop thinking about it". Constant worrying can be a stimulant for psoriasis. Stress has known to be an inducing agent for psoriasis. Undue stress can also cause psoriasis flare-ups.

Psoriasis is generally accompanied with a red patchy skin with lots of itching. The skin tends to shrivel in those patches and looks whitish in color. These patches tend to cause lots of irritation due to the frequent itching sensation in them. Rather than waste your time on expensive medical treatments that are not guaranteed to work, you can easily opt for a psoriasis home treatment. Such a home treatment is likely to give you some relief from psoriasis and help control its spread all over your body.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Five Treatments For Curing Psoriasis

Has psoriasis made your life miserable? Are you desperately looking for a cure that would free you from this dreaded disease for life? Have you wasted lots of money trying to free yourself from psoriasis? By now you must have given up hope that psoriasis would ever get cured. But did you ever realize that there are some natural treatments that can help you get rid of psoriasis for life? You can find below the five new psoriasis treatments that you may not have known about until now.

The first step to curing yourself is to get rid of all chemical products you use in your daily routine. Discard all those shampoos, scrubs, soaps, shower gels, make-up etc and adopt only natural products that are hypoallergenic and friendly to your skin. Be very careful about the detergent you use for washing your laundry. The detergent may contain irritants that may aggravate psoriasis. Switch to natural washing powders.

Secondly, narrow down on the temperature that your body is most comfortable in. Drastic changes in temperature are not suitable for psoriasis patients and can cause the condition to worsen. In case of very hot and humid weather your body would sweat and feel uncomfortable. Perspiration would make you feel itchy and cause scratches on your skin. These scratches can simply set off a reaction to aggravate the psoriasis. The best solution is to stay in the temperature that keeps your body comfortable. It is worth the effort, even if cumbersome.

Thirdly you should increase your water intake. Drinking lots of water naturally keeps your body hydrated and helps in flushing out the toxins of your body. It helps in keeping your skin moist which would in turn be able to effectively fight off skin infections.

Fourthly increase your intake of Omega 3 in your diet. Although it is very difficult to narrow down on which foods agree with you and which don't, adding Omega 3 helps in your diet reduces the chances of psoriasis flare-ups. Foods such as groundnuts and fish are known to be naturally high in Omega 3. Add these to your diet to keep psoriasis at bay. Omega 3 not only prevents flare-ups but also helps broaden the gap between two flare-ups.

Lastly, although you may add foods naturally high in Omega 3, you may still not be getting a sufficient amount of it. In such cases you can opt for natural health supplements with Omega 3. Omega 3 fats are highly sensitive and are easily destroyed on exposure to heat, light and oxygen. It is a very safe option to add Omega 3 supplements like cod liver oil or flax seeds to cover the lack of it in your diet.

Psoriasis is an extremely difficult condition to cure. In spite of innumerable treatments available it tends to never leave the body. However, you will find these five new psoriasis treatments helpful in avoiding the psoriasis flare-ups to begin with, or lessening their severity if and when it does flare-up.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Understand The Symptoms of Psoriasis

It is very important to be educated with regards to the symptoms of psoriasis to immediately recognize and deal with it on time. If you are able to recognize the symptoms of psoriasis correctly, you could help either yourself or your family members by getting medication on time to prevent further complications. The symptoms of psoriasis are quick to find and understand.

If you believe you, or another person, has symptoms of psoriasis you must firstly take a look at the affected area more tightly. Look out for any specific wounds, sore spots, peeling and inflammation on the skin. You can research your skin yourself and look for additional information on the web. Additionally, you can also consult a dermatological doctor to train you on the a variety of signs or symptoms of psoriasis.

Burning and itching is one of the most common symptoms of psoriasis that is definitely prevalent in other skin disorders. The skin of people today suffering from psoriasis becomes flaky and reveals wounds all over the body or at several body parts. The skin becomes very dry and develop breaks, skin breakouts and scrapes in it. A different conclusive symptom of skin psoriasis is the appearance of maroonish spots on the body. These types of spots are often found on the legs, genital area, elbows and also scalp.

Discovering the actual signs and symptoms is definitely the 1st step. The next step is to have timely guide of a authorized dermatologist that will help you or the individual affected. Psoriasis can be an really unpleasant and upsetting. There may be days to weeks when the idea suddenly receives aggravated and cause lots of pain to the person.

The remedy for skin psoriasis will depend on the magnitude from the infection and the body area. Psoriasis of the head is relatively less complicated to treat than the other types of skin psoriasis. This is called scalp psoriasis. It has symptoms much like various other skin psoriasis. The flaky pores and skin and lesions tend to be dominant within the head as well as on the nape of the neck.

The very best choice is to get in touch with a professional and find the needed healing on time as well as avoid undergoing astounding mental and bodily stress.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Is The Cause of Psoriasis?

What is the cause of psoriasis? The answer is still a mystery. Two theories have delved into explaining what causes psoriasis. The first theory says psoriasis is a skin disorder which causes unexplained growth and replication of the skin cells. This excessive growth and duplication occurs due to an erroneous epidermis and its keratinocytes.

The second theory says that psoriasis is an after effect of an immune system malfunctioning. This results in the extreme growth and reproduction of skin cells causing psoriasis. Every body has T-cells that act as the protectors of the body against infections. When the immune system starts to malfunction, these T-cells become active and move to the dermis. Here they activate the discharge of cytokines which in turn causes severe swelling of the skin and excessive growth of the skin cells. It is still not very clear what actually causes the T-cells to become active.

The second theory is more acceptable, as immuno suppressant medications have been successful in removing psoriasis plaques. However, it is not yet clear whether T-cells actually play a role in psoriasis or not. Recent research on animals has shown that animal psoriasis can be produced in mice that don't have T-cells. Also, animal models cannot cover all the aspects of a human body system, hence leaving some questions answered.

Generally the first occurrence is after the patient has either high stress, both mental and physical, any wound on the skin or a bacterial infection. Climatic changes, stress and skin infections are known to make the condition worse.

Oily skins and well moisturized skins are generally not affected with psoriasis. People with dry skins or a wound on the skin are more prone to being infected. Their skin lacks the lubrication that protects it and lets micro-organisms grow on it.

Athlete's foot and psoriasis are very different to each other. Athlete's foot is caused when the skin is too moist and has fungal infections on it that thrive in the moist. Whereas, psoriasis is caused by dry skin conditions as the skin lacks the moisture to combat skin infections. Athlete's foot has very similar symptoms to psoriasis like swelling and rashes on the skin, dry skin and faster skin turnover.

You can prevent psoriasis by taking appropriate measures. Avoid using shower gels during bath time. These gels are abrasive in nature and peel off the natural moisture of the skin leaving it more vulnerable to infections. You can also use talc to soak-up the excess moisture left on the skin after a bath to reduce the chances of being infected by micro organisms that flourish on moist and wet skin. Irrespective of your skin type, use a moisturizer to keep your skin moist and supple to prevent any skin infections.

Immense research has been performed to get to the bottom of the cause of psoriasis. However, we are not sure about what the main cause of it is. It can either be a failed immune system or unexplained skin growth and regeneration. Every theory has its own merits and demerits and should be followed after due consideration only.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Different Types Of Psoriasis

Psoriasis can manifest itself in a person in a number of ways. The symptoms can be various and differ from person to person. The different types of psoriasis are flexural, plaque, guttate and pustular psoriasis.

The most common form of psoriasis is "Plaque Psoriasis". 80-90% of the affected people are suffering from plaque psoriasis. It generally manifests itself as raised swollen skin covered with whitish rashes. These are known as plaques.

"Flexural Psoriasis" develops as soft swollen skin patches predominantly found in the folds of the skin. It is generally found in the genital area, the folds under a heavy stomach, armpits and under the breasts. The condition can worsen in case of sweat and abrasion and is extremely prone to fungal infections.

In case of "Guttate Psoriasis" a number of small red, tear shaped, flaky lesions appear on the skin. These patches are generally spread all over the body predominately the stomach. They may also appear on the scalp, hands and legs.

"Pustular Psoriasis" appears in the form of small boils with pus in them. These boils are called pustules. The skin around and below the pustules is very sensitive and reddish in appearance. Pustular Psoriasis can either be restricted to the feet and hands or spread all over the body arbitrarily in form of big patches. When restricted to the feet and hands it is known as "Palmoplantar Pustulosis".

People may also suffer from "Nail Psoriasis" wherein there is a drastic change in the look of the nails of both hands and feet. These changes may be in the form of discolored nails, cracked nails, nail pitting, thickened skin under the nails, crumbling nails, loose nails etc. Onycholysis is the medical condition when the nails become loose from their base on the fingers.

Psoriasis can also cause "Psoriatic Arthritis". This condition arises due to the swelling up of the connective tissue and the joints. Although psoriatic arthritis is dominant in the joints of the fingers and toes, it can affect any joint in the body like the hip, knee or spinal cord. Psoriatic arthritis can cause dactylitis i.e. the fingers and toes swell and become shaped like sausages. Psoriatic arthritis can affect the spinal column and cause spondylitis. Amongst the total population suffering from psoriasis approximately 10-15% also get psoriatic arthritis.

Erythrodermic psoriasis causes blistered and swollen skin all over the body. The person affected may also have pain, severe itchiness and inflammation. Erythrodermic psoriasis is generally a case of aggravated plaque psoriasis. It may also happen as a result of sudden discontinuation of treatment. This type of psoriasis can be lethal as it prevents the body from being able to maintain its temperature and attacks the ability of the skin to act as a successful barrier from infections.

There may be different types of Psoriasis. However the symptoms of each type do share many similarities. Irrespective of which body part it affects, psoriasis can be distinguished from any other disease by these clearly identified symptoms.

The Truth About Psoriasis Revealed

You can try to know all about Psoriasis easily. Psoriasis is a medical condition with abundant information on its causes but no cure. Although Psoriasis is one of the oldest known diseases it is highly misinterpreted. Researchers have found the reference of psoriasis in the Bible as a condition of the skin called "tzaraat". Recent times have also seen psoriasis being referred to as a type of leprosy. "Lepra" is a Greek word suggesting "dry and flaky skin" and "Psora" suggests "scratchy skin".

During the latter part of the 18th century, English dermatologists Thomas Bateman and Robert Willian made a distinction between psoriasis and other dermal diseases. According to them leprosy caused regular circular patches in the body whereas, psoriasis patches were not regular. Robert Willain gave a further classification to psoriasis i.e. psora leprosa and leprosa graecorum.

In spite of various studies carried out to distinguish leprosy from psoriasis, it was only in 1841 that Ferdinand von Hebra, a Viennese dermatologist, gave psoriasis its name. He took the name from the Greek word "Psora" that means "to scratch". Later during the 20th century, psoriasis was further classified into the different types of psoriasis.

Historical references of psoriasis cases mention erroneous treatments used for curing psoriasis that were highly toxic and flawed. Although there was no official legitimizing of these treatments, they gained in popularity. One of the ancient techniques used in Egypt was to apply cat faeces on the swollen red laceration on the skin. Obscure treatments including goose oil and semen, onions, urine, sea salt, wasp dropping mixed with sycamore milk, soup made of vipers were also very popular during ancient times.

The 18th and 19th century saw the use of the Fowler's solution. This solution had a venomous and virulent compound and was used primarily by dermatologists to cure psoriasis. Middle of the 20th century saw the use of Genz Rays also known as Bucky Rays or ultrasoft rays to cure psoriasis.

Later ultraviolet rays replaced these for curing psoriasis. About 40 years ago, Undecylenic acid was also used for treating psoriasis. The Victorian and Edwardian era saw the rising popularity of usage of Sulphur to treat psoriasis which has again become popular today as it is comparatively safer than coal tar and steroids.

Some of these extreme treatments for psoriasis were believed to have serious side effects such as liver diseases and lymphoma. Such treatments though are not recommended today, and there are many safe medical and home treatments for the psoriasis sufferer to choose from.

It is worth recognizing that it is however extremely difficult to predict the extent to which the disease will spread in the individual's body. It may remain localized throughout the person's life or may spread through the entire body. Every patient is likely to experience irregular increases and decreases in the extent of psoriasis during their lifetime. It is worth educating yourself to know all about psoriasis so you can determine what course of treatment you want to take.